On the Global Minimizers of Real Robust Phase Retrieval with Sparse Noise
with A.Aravkin and D. He.
An Algorithm for Nonparametric Estimation of A Multivariate Mixing Distribution with Applications to Population Pharmacokinetics
W.M.Yamata, M.N.Neely, J.Bartroff, D.S.Bayard, M.van Guilder,
R.W.Jelliffe, A.Kryshchenko, R.Leary, M.N. Neely, T.Tatarrinova, A.Schumitzky.
Line search and trust-region methods for convex-composite optimization
with Abe Engle.
Fast robust methods for singular state-space models
with J. Jonker, A. Aravkin, G. Pillonetto and S. Webster.
Kalman smoothing and block tridiagonal systems:
new connections and numerical stability results
with A. Aravkin, B. Bell, and G. Pillonetto.