Programming Guide
- You may use any machine at your disposal. However, you
must program in MATLAB.
- The program should be well documented and written in
modular form. All output
should be clearly labeled for ease of reference.
- Output should be graphical whenever possible.
For this use a "data" matrix to collect relevant per iteration
information such as function values, gradient norms, condition numbers, ....
The the data matrix can be used to generate graphs at termination.
- The interpretation of the numerical output will count
for 25% of the grade on the computing projects. That is, you
must observe and explain what happened in your numerical
experiments in light of the theory we have studied.
- Turn in the write-up of your interpretations, your program
output, and your program listings (in that order), attached
together, by the beginning of class on the due date.
- Make use of the sample code provided as a guide.