LP Modeling


Mortgage Portfolio Optimization.


The optimality of a portfolio depends heavily on the model used for defining risk and other aspects of financial instruments. Here is a particularly simple model that is amenable to linear programming techniques.

      Consider a mortgage team with $100,000,000 to finance various investments. There are five categories of loans, each with an associated return and risk (1-10, 1 best):


 Loan/investment           Return(%)           Risk

First Mortgage                     9                       3

Second Mortgage                12                      6

Personal Loans                    15                      8

Commercial Loans              8                        2

Government Securities        6                        1 


      Any uninvested money goes into saving account with no risk and 3% return. The goal for the mortgage team is to allocate the money to the categories so as to:

(a)    Maximize the average return per dollar,

(b)   Have an average risk of no more than 5 (all averages and fractions taken over the invested money (not over the saving account)),

(c)    Invest at least 20% in commercial loans,

(d)   The amount in second mortgage and personal loans combined should be no higher than the amount in first mortgage.





1) Write out the entire linear programming model formulation for this problem.


2) Use Solver or Matlab to solve this problem.


3) What is the optimal solution and optimal value?